Enjoy Playing Away From Home . . .

Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Scot invades Hastings

My mate, Jeff MacDonut, stayed with me a couple of days, which meant I had to show him some of the delights of Hastings and its environs... I met him at the station early afternoon on Monday, but had enough time to have a quick pint of Youngs Special, bought from the lovely Ellen behind the bar this time, sadly, at the recently refurbished and reopened General Havelock...

So, I went and met Jeff, dragged him back the 5 minute walk to my place (he was thirsty, so in a hurry to drink), dropped off his bag, and we immediately returned to the General Havelock via the bank.  Jeff had a pint of Special, this time I had Wye Valley HPA, and Jeff was dead impressed by Ellen too, but for a different reason to mine...

We then rushed along the front, being pushed by the wind and rain, nipped up George Street, and visited the Hastings Arms, which Jeff really liked, calling it a "Working Class" pub, happy that the bloke behind the bar said we could come back later, however drunk, provided we didn't start a fight in there, "US?!?"  Haha, anyway, we moved on from there and I had a pint of Dark Star Hophead at the Dolphin, which was incredibly quiet this afternoon.

We then walked up All Saints Street to the Stag, where Jeff was impressed, again, by the barman, this time, and the ales and interior of the building.  When we left, we crossed The Bourne to the High Street and dropped down to the First In Last Out, knocking on my mate John's window to wave at him as we passed, he'll be happy with that!  In the FILO, John's good mate, Paul, was quickly finishing his beer as we entered (maybe he had an early warning from John we were on our way), had a quick chat before he scurried off, and chatted to Tony, the manager/brewer whilst supping a lovely pint of his Church IPA (Jeff had chosen his porter, Cardinal).    

So, on leaving the FILO, we were feeling a bit weary, but ventured back across The Bourne to the Cinque Ports, where we had our final pint (Fullers ESB, lovely jubbly), before returning back to eat and sup some Leffe Blonde with our meal.  Cheers!